Monday, June 1, 2009

Will you Bing it, or Google it ?

Recently I read an article on new search engine "Bing" by Microsoft and was quite impressed by its search capabilities (thanks to Nilesh for sharing this info on bing with me). Unlike Google who invented advertising-based search model which produces most popular items for each query, Microsoft is aiming to change the game by calling Bing - a decision engine which will offer more insights to users for helping them take decisions, and not necessarily throw the most popular and relevant items. Bing in Chinese language means a certain answer, or response to a query.

I tried few searches on and liked "Related Searches" section as well as opinion index (which rates the search results based on an algorithm developed by Microsoft.) Its quick and clean. Yeah its pretty early to say anything about its success, that the time will tell. But I think I would definitely be using bing along with google for my search and not just google alone :)


Nilesh said...

I second that thought. At the time when we all thought that MS would bow out of the search engine race, it has come up with this pretty cool search engine. Bing actually organizes its general search results better than Google does.It video and image search leave google way behind. However It Should be fascinating to see what happens to the company's search market-share numbers in the coming weeks and months. Meanwhile let me give bing a spin.

Rohan Daxini said...

Absolutely Nilesh, Bing's video and image search results leave google way behind.