Monday, May 10, 2010

Allan Jardine accepted my jQuery code for his next version of the plugin

Famous jquery plugins "DataTable" and "KeyTable" developer Allan Jardine has accepted my code (reusable function) to be included in his next version of KeyTable jQuery plugin.

Here is the mail transcript with him


On 10 May 2010, at 1:15, Allan Jardine wrote:

Hi Rohan,

Very nice idea for an API function. I've just updated KeyTable to 1.1.5 and including a function which basically provides exactly the same functionality, but with the name fnSetPosition and it will take either x,y coordinates or a TD node to focus on.

Thanks for sending me this.


On 8 May 2010, at 12:16, Rohan Daxini wrote:

Hi Alan,

For your information and just to keep you posted, I added this new function in KeyTable plugin to resolve multiple issues I was facing while attaching KeyTable to my DataTable. Now I just call this function as keys.fnSetPositionAndFocus(0, 0) in my javacript code to refocus on cell[0,0]. This can be used to reset and refocus on any cell of DataTable as the selection and focus were lost.

All the issues like reattachment, refocus, reselection, repeated cell selection and lost blue rectangle is resolved now due to the inclusion of this api function

this.fnSetPositionAndFocus = function(x, y) {
_iOldX = x;
_iOldY = y;
_fnSetFocus(_fnCellFromCoords(x, y));

var str = 'table tbody ' + 'tr:eq(' + y + ')>td:eq(' + x + ')';



Unknown said...

Congrats Rohan..Keep it up..

Rohan Daxini said...

Thank you LD.